Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Sabrina's 6th Birthday

If you ever want to truly surprise your kids with a birthday party, you should really try to do it while they're little. It's so cute to see the shocked looks on their faces.

Sabrina had asked months and months ago if she could have, " of those birthday parties where everyone jumps out and yells 'surprise' at you." I filed that one away and when the time came, I dug it out. She's still little enough to forget when her birthday party is, so when I sent the invitations out, I convinced her that her party was on Sunday. It was actually on Saturday. I didn't let any of the invitees know that it was a surprise, as they would surely tell her. One of my good friends offered to help out, so I dropped Sabrina off at her house that morning on my way to pick up the cake. Sabrina thought she was just going over to play. I told my friend to bring her back precisely at 2:30 since I put 2:00 on the invitations; that left enough time for all of the guests to arrive.

It worked!! She was definitely surprised. We did the whole hiding thing and I told the kids that when she came through the door, I would count to 3 and then we'd say, "Surprise!" I was worried that if I didn't count, then no one would actually do it at the same time. They did it perfectly! Kindergarteners are great at following directions in groups...usually. A couple of her friends came out and tackle hugged her while the rest popped out here and there. They were all so cute!

Afterwards, we made wands (Tinkerbell birthday theme), played Tinkerbell Bingo, played a balloon stomping game, which I'm shocked no one got hurt from (lol), had a pinata and did the usual cake and presents.

It was a sweet little party. I'm hoping I can figure out how to put post a video of the surprise on here. We'll see...