Thursday, January 8, 2009

Mr.P the Cleaner

So the 3 older kids are all back at school (sad face...I love when they're home) and Jeremy is back at work with no more holidays to look forward to having off anytime soon and the house is quiet during the days and back to normal with just me and Mr.P. He surprised me this evening when I called him and Sabrina upstairs to the playroom after dinner to help me clean it up. I had just told Jeremy to beware of the whining that was about to happen and when I walked to the playroom getting ready to call them was already done!! I was really surprised. I called both of them up and asked them about it. Mr.P said that he had cleaned it and proceeded to inform me that he had cleaned everyone's bedrooms too. I just looked at him for a second and then walked to Vanessa's room. The floor was all cleaned up and every piece of clothing was jam packed into one drawer that was all the way open in her chest of drawers. I'm surprised that thing didn't fall forward with all the weight! The stuffed animals were all in a pile. He did what he could with everything in there until the floor was not only visible, but cleared. Vanessa was as surprised as I was because she had thought that I cleaned it while she was at school. Yeah, right. I don't think I've picked up any of my kids' rooms once they were able to toddle their clothes the laundry. I try to push independence as much as possible in this house. I still guide them on what needs to be done, but I don't do it. By this time, Mr.P is quite proud of himself as he's seeing the shock and pleased looks on our faces and grabs my hand to show me how he's cleaned up "Brina's" room and his own. I was really proud of that kid! I asked him why he did all of that cleaning and he said it was because I was cleaning the downstairs, so he was going to do the upstairs. What a man!!!

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