Friday, April 1, 2011

Odds and Ends

I hung the bird feeders out yesterday.  I LOVE the new one!  It looks so lovely.....BUT (did you see that one coming?) I filled it yesterday and this morning, as I'm looking out the window right this minute, the bottom level is more than half empty.  Normally, I would be all smiles about this, but yesterday afternoon I happened to step outside and saw a squirrel having a feast, handful by dirty little handful.  I'm not happy about this.  I gave it a stern look and said, rather loudly, "Hey you!  Get out of there!!  I didn't put that out for you!"  It looked up at me with its beady little eyes, still thieving and testing my patience.  I clapped at it and it scampered away....with its cheeks full of my money, for sure.  The bird feeder is hanging from a branch and somewhat close to the trunk.  I'm thinking of moving it further out, but I have a feeling that it will do nothing to deter a determined little varmint from stealing an easy meal.  I'll have to think on this one...

In other news, earlier this week, Mr.P began reading his first chapter book, Junie B. Jones and the Stupid Smelly Bus.  We don't use that word in our house so the titled has been altered to ....the Silly Smelly Bus.  It's fun to sit and read with him because I'm able to read ahead a little so I know what's coming up.  He'll move along slowly, sounding out the more difficult words and needing my help on the even harder ones, but when he realizes what he just read out loud, I can see it coming together by his facial expressions.  My favorite times are the parts that make him laugh.  Here's an example from yesterday.  Junie B. is scared of the bus, but her parents are making her ride it anyway and she notices the door for the first time. 

"It wasn't a regular kind of door, though.  It folded in half.  And when it closed, it made a whishy sound.  I don't like that kind of door.  If it closes on you by accident, it will cut you in half, and you will make a squishy sound." 

He read this and giggled.  Then, as it formed a picture in his mind and it made more sense, he laughed a little more.  Seeing him made me laugh and we kind of fed off of eachother for a minute to the point where the book fell on the floor and his head was buried in my arm.  lol

I know I'm all over the place with this post, but Camri and her boyfriend planted the strawberries yesterday.  We did the Topsy Turvy, which is somewhat of a big red eyesore right now.  Hopefully the leaves start forming soon because right now it just looks like a big red barrel-shaped canvas.  I'll probably end up hanging it from the playhouse that Jeremy built for the kids.  Not sure if it will get enough sun, under the trees like that, but that thing is kinda fugly. lol

Oh, I saw a pretty red cardinal perched in one of trees out front this morning just before I was leaving to take Camri to school.  Maybe I should hang another feeder out there.  I'll put that on my birthday list ; )

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