That baby of mine, that 7 lb 5 oz baby girl that I delivered yesterday, turned 13 today. No more chubby tummy to blow air bubbles on, no more warm bottles or diaper changes... We've traded things like that for phone calls that go on for hours, video games, and monitoring chat rooms. No, "Let's go to McDonald's for my birthday dinner!" It's now, "Hey, let's make jambalaya for my birthday dinner!" We'll have no more broken eye glasses, loose teeth, or even braces for that matter. We've moved on to contacts and a flawless smile! No more, "Mommy can you show me how these softball socks are supposed to go?" Now it's, "Hey Mommy, did you see me get her out at 2nd!?"
I'll always miss my infant, my baby, my little girl that needed to hold my hand in the grocery store parking lot. But I like this girl, this "young lady" that's taken her place too. She's sweet and fun and an interesting kid. She's challenging and worth every second of time that I spend loving her.
In fact, I think I'll go enjoy her right now because I know very well that soon, 13 will be a memory too.
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