Thursday, February 10, 2011

Cookies Are My Life

Hello, dear reader.  I've been hiding.  Do you know where?  Under 195 boxes of Girl Scout cookies.  That's where!  And those are only Sabrina's.  Whew!!!  Waaay back in August, Sabrina's Brownie troop leader so innocently asked if I would head the cookie sales for the troop when the time came.  Of course!  Far be it from me to say no to anyone in need, for any reason.  It's something I need to work on, but that's another blog for another time.  Little did I know what I was signing up for.  Scheduling booths for 11 girls and their moms to work at, keeping track of how many boxes of cookies each girl is selling (along with the extras that she orders), collecting money, making deposits, keeping watch of the troop cookies (not to be confused with each girls' cookies), being the supervisor over boxes being traded between girls and between ours with other troops, chasing down parents to advise me where they are with their sales, and I could go on and on and on and on.  This cookie business is a full time job!  This, coupled with my normal life, including but not limited to - spanish class, being room mommies for Mr.P and Sabrina's classes, Sabrina's birthday, volunteering at all 3 schools when I can fit it in, teaching religious ed., homework with the kids, housework and just doing mommy stuff like working on Valentines projects and keeping track of who needs to be where at what time has left my blogging days far far behind.  I think of you often, dear reader.  I think of how I need to update you on my life.  Yes it is a need, maybe not for you, but definitely for me.  This is not just another thing that I put on my list of to-do's.  It's therapeutic.  It allows me to stop everything and take note of where I am in my life.  And I like it.  I love it.

As for these cookies, I'm ready for this to be over.  It's consumed so much of my time that Jeremy every now and then refers to me as "Bob Cratchit." lol  Now that's not the sugary term of endearment I had in mind for Valentine's Day.....

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