Friday, January 3, 2014

Battle of the Bulge

Can I just say that the screeching halt of a holiday food binge brought about by the new year diet is pure TORTURE.  I decided to dip back in to juicing to help cleanse myself after the holiday eating.  There was a time in my life that I was really into juicing.  Jeremy and I had watched a great documentary called Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead (highly recommended, btw) and pretty much got up from the couch when it was over and went to buy a juicer.  I went on a cleanse of pure juice for a very short while, I honestly can't remember now if it was 1 week or 2...I'm thinking 2.  Then, went back to normal healthy eating and having juice now and then.  Those who know me well, know that I'm more often than not, trying to eat healthy or drag myself to the gym.  It's a constant battle, as it is with most people, sometimes food wins and sometimes I win.  I actually did pretty good with the eating part until just a week or two before Christmas.  I then gave in to the breads, the dips, the cheeses, the desserts, the rich foods, etc.  It's time to pay the price.

Mr.P and I spent a while last night making a couple of juices for Jeremy, one for breakfast and one for lunch.  I used to juice spinach and kale right in with the rest of the fruits and veggies that I was drinking, but this time I decided to do it different.  We juiced all of the kale, alone, and then all of the spinach.  I poured them into their own little 2oz containers and Mr.P wrote either a K or an S on the lid.  Vegetable juice isn't the most lovely tasting thing in the world and the spinach and kale just made it worse, for me.  I'd rather take it as a shot, kind of like wheat grass.

This is no fun, but I have two goals on my mind.  I don't want to look like a rolly polly going down aisle at my sisters wedding on 2/16 (that's 44 days from today!)  and my 40th birthday is coming up in April.  I don't want a full face and a muffin top when I'm 40. lol  Mmmm...muffin.

I'm normally pretty gung ho when I start out but this time seems so much harder!  Maybe I need to watch that documentary again to get my mind on board.

Today, I've drank:

6 carrots
1 cucumber
2 celery stalks
2 Granny Smith apples
1 grapefruit
1/2 of a bunch of kale
and 1/3 of a bunch of spinach

I didn't wake up until 11, so I guess it's not that bad.  I'm looking forward to having chicken for dinner!  Good luck with your most difficult resolutions, dear reader.  I hope they make you stronger.

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